Officer Membership Renewal

Want to take advantage of a 1/2 off LIFE MEMBERSHIP?  NGAUS has created a digital Life membership for $600.00 total which includes a lifetime state membership as well.  Interested in setting up a payment plan? Contact Carolyn at (904)823-0628 or email at

NGAUS has established a new membership dues structure as follows

O1, O2, O3, WO1, CW2, CW3 are $50.00 per year beginning January 1st and includes State and National dues.

O4, O5, O6, CW4, CW5 are $90.00 per year beginning January 1st and include State and National dues. 

O7,O8,O9,O10 are $140.00 per year beginning January 1st and include State and National dues.

All officers and warrants Life Membership $1100.00

All officers and warrants Digital Life Membership $600.00

Please fill out the Officer Membership Renewal form below. After you click Submit, you will be directed to either our online payment gateway or instructions on how to pay by check. Officer’s Membership is from January 1- December 31 each year.


Watch this  Why Join NGAUS Video Here!

Join or Renew now!